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We Can Repair Both Common and Complex Water Heater Issues

When you get up in the morning and head to the shower, you expect to have a steady flow of warm water come from the faucet or showerhead when you turn it on. If that’s not the case, your day can quickly take a turn as you begin to worry about your hot water heater. Often, the issue is fairly simple and you might be able to remedy the problem yourself, however, even the most common water heater problems can require a professional inspection. At Gladiator Repipe in San Jose, we can repair both common and complex water heater issues.

One of the most common issues we see with water heaters is that the pilot light won’t stay lit on certain gas models. This is a fairly straightforward repair and we’ll perform it as quickly as possible. If there’s an issue with the gas supply or line into the water heater, that can present a more complex problem. Our team can thoroughly inspect your system for any leaks and advise you on the repairs that may be necessary. If your water temperature isn’t what you want it to be, we’ll check the thermostat and associated temperature sensors to make sure that they’re registering the appropriate heat levels for your appliance.

If your water heater is struggling to keep up, or you’ve noticed inconsistencies in water pressure or temperature, please contact Gladiator right away. No matter how common or complex the problem is, our team will provide exceptional service that returns your water heater to normal working order.


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