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Copper Repiping Can Lead to Cleaner Clothes

If you’ve installed a brand new washing machine, finally getting rid of that outdated model, you’re probably looking forward to cleaner clothes in less time. Modern washing machines are designed to clean your clothes thoroughly and contain high-tech features that let you wash your clothes on the proper settings. However, if you have low water pressure due to old or leaky pipes, your sophisticated washing machine may not function as efficiently, or work at all. With copper repiping from Gladiator Plumbing & Repipe in San Jose, you can enjoy a washer that works as it’s supposed to.

Older washers had timer controls that simply ran for a certain amount of time until the machine had enough water in it to begin washing. It spun for another period of time, then rinsed the clothes and drained before shutting off. With advances in technology, washers are smarter than ever, but they still require water and you may encounter problems if your water pressure is too low. The team at Gladiator can find the pipes causing the problem, and install new copper pipes that help maintain the proper water pressure throughout each wash cycle.

If you’re excited about your new washing machine, make sure that it will work correctly for years to come by ensuring that adequate water pressure is reaching the appliance. If you’re concerned about your pipes or water pressure, call Gladiator in San Jose today. We can check your current pipes and provide copper repiping anywhere in your home. We look forward to helping you!


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