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Three Rooms That Can Benefit From New Copper Plumbing

At Gladiator Repipe in San Jose, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional plumbing and copper repiping services throughout the area. While we offer whole-house repipes, we know that you likely have a few rooms in particular in mind when you call for a quote. Your bathroom, kitchen, and laundry room can all benefit from new copper plumbing, and in this post, we’ll look at a few of the perks that come with having your home repiped. If you’d like to learn more after you’re done reading, then please contact us right away!

The Bathroom

We’ve written before about your dream bathroom and what it may have, but everything in the bathroom, no matter which one in your home it is, starts with the plumbing. The sink, shower, tub, and toilet need to be piped correctly in order for everything to work as it should. When it comes to the supply lines for your sink, shower, and tub, you might be experiencing low water pressure or poor water temperature. Replacing your old pipes with new copper pipes can take care of these issues, and you shouldn’t have to worry about water quality whatsoever.

The Kitchen

The kitchen is for cooking, cleaning, and entertaining, and the plumbing needs to be in good working condition in order for you to get the most out of the room. If you can’t get hot water in the sink, or the dishes aren’t getting clean in the dishwasher, then it might be time for a repipe. Plumbing with built-up scale and mineral deposits can cause all types of issues, from the clarity of your water to how it smells. You want your kitchen to feel clean, and water issues can impact that cleanliness.

New copper piping can also be beneficial for your kitchen during a remodel. If you’re moving the sink to a new location, or you’re adding an island with a vegetable sink, then we’d love to help you repipe the entire room!

The Laundry Room

Oh, the laundry room. It’s often the one space that you don’t like spending time, but it ends up being where you spend several evenings a week, trying to make sure everyone has clean clothes for the next day. If you have kids, then you’re likely doing multiple loads of laundry a week, and your washing machine is getting quite a workout. If you begin to notice that your clothes aren’t coming out clean, or that they smell a little funky after the wash cycle, then your plumbing might be to blame. Old pipes can affect the quality of the water that’s being pumped into the washer, and the result is clothes that aren’t as clean as they should be. By installing new copper supply lines, you can look forward to fresh, great-smelling clothes, and you may even be able to cut back on the number of times a week you do the laundry!

At Gladiator, we’re here to help you solve all of your plumbing issues. We specialize in copper repiping, and there’s nothing we’d love more than to give you the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry room you’ve always wanted.

Contact us now to get started!


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