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The Benefits of Copper Repiping For Your Multifamily Unit

Gladiator Repipe is proud to serve San Jose with top quality copper repiping services. Whether you’re looking to replace the piping in your own home, or you’re an owner of a series of buildings, Gladiator Repipe is here to best serve your needs. Contact us today for an estimate!

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at a few of the benefits that come with repiping your multifamily unit with copper piping. Read on to learn more!

Copper Repiping Is Strong and Made to Last

If you own a townhome, duplex, series of apartments, or other multifamily unit, you understand that regular maintenance is just something that comes with the territory. While you want to be able to ensure that your tenants have a space that is fully functional and not in need of any repairs, you also don’t want to be constantly fixing your units on an all-too-regular basis. Copper repiping is an ideal choice for a variety of reasons, one of them being that copper is incredibly strong and made to last. Depending on things like climate, frequency of use, and water quality, copper pipes can be expected to last anywhere from 50 to 70 years. When you think about the longevity of copper piping versus the amount of times that you’ve had to fix your current pipes, the long-term benefits outweigh the upfront repair costs.


Even if your building or buildings are ones that seem to always be in need of some sort of repairs, repiping your building with copper pipes will give you peace of mind in knowing that your pipes will not be in need of replacement any time soon. This is especially useful for units that are inhabited by families, as the piping will see a considerably larger amount of use than by individuals. Durability is key, and having your building repiped with copper pipes will help you continue to provide for your tenants for decades to come.

Easy Installation

While the time spent on your project will vary on a case-to-case basis, another benefit of having your building repiped with copper piping is that the installation is easy. This is largely because of the fact that the pipes themselves are lightweight and flexible. This allows them to be able to easily extend over larger distances throughout your duplex, apartment building, or otherwise. These projects can sometimes take longer than you would like, but the skilled professionals at Gladiator Repipe can replace the plumbing in a duplex in as little as just one day!

Copper Pipes Don’t Contaminate Water

While other sorts of metal pipes can often release hazardous materials into your water, copper pipes don’t do this. While most types of metal pipes that do this have been phased out over the years, if your duplex or apartment building is old, you may very well still have these types of pipes inside it. The last thing that you want to do is put your tenants in any sort of danger, so replacing your building’s pipes with copper pipes is essential to helping maintain their safety.

A Great Preventative Measure

Even if your building may not necessarily be in need of new pipes, replacing your current piping with copper piping is a smart preventative measure. If it’s in your budget, you’ll be glad that you took the proper precautions, as replacing the current pipes of your apartment building, duplex, or townhome with copper pipes can help you avoid an array of various issues in the future. Both you and your tenants will be happy, making it a win/win situation.

Multifamily Unit Repiping Services in San Jose

Those are just a few of the benefits that come with repiping your multi-family unit with copper piping. If you own a townhome, duplex, apartment building, or other sort of multi family unit in the San Jose area, Gladiator Repipe is here to provide you with efficient and affordable copper repiping services. There’s no project too big or small for us, and we are happy to work within your budget. Contact us today to set up an appointment!


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