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Updating Your Kitchen This Fall?

For many homeowners, fall can be the perfect time to update the kitchen. You might be planning on using the space more often, especially as the holidays grow closer, and it’s important to have a kitchen that works the way you need it to. At Gladiator Repipe in San Jose, we can help you make sure that your supply and drain lines are in good working order, and we can replace any worn-out pipes or drains that are no longer reliable. Contact us today to learn about copper repiping and our other expert services!

New Water Lines

Perhaps you’re planning to move your kitchen sink to a new area of the room. This often means that you’ll need to run new water lines for your hot and cold water. While shutting off the water and removing old pipes can seem easy, it’s often best to leave the job to the professionals. This same is true for installing new supply lines, since you’ll want to be absolutely sure that everything is connected properly. Our team can add new copper pipes that will provide the water pressure and temperature you need when washing dishes or preparing a meal.

Adding an Island Sink

One feature that many people want in their kitchen is an island. On top of that, some homeowners want a small sink in the island for washing vegetables for the garden or as a bar sink when company comes to visit. If you already have an island and want to add a sink, then our team can take care of adding the new water line. Every sink also needs a drain, and we’ll make sure that the island sink drain is connected properly to your sewer system.

Checking Your Sewer System

Speaking of your sewer system, it can be a good idea to have it inspected while you have the kitchen torn apart for remodeling. We can take a look at all of the drain lines, checking to see if there is anything blocking your wastewater from reaching the sewer pipe and emptying into the city’s sewer line. If any problems are found, then we can take care of them before new drains are installed, helping you avoid bigger issues in the future.

Venting Your New Drain Lines

Whenever a new drain line is installed in a kitchen, it needs to be properly vented so that sewer gases don’t find their way into your home. If you’re going to be removing walls and other structural elements, then it might prove more difficult to run vent lines from the kitchen, up into the attic, and through the roof. There are options such as air admittance valves (AAVs) that can take care of venting, and our team knows how to incorporate them when traditional vent lines aren’t possible.

Contact Us Today

If you’re working on your kitchen this fall, then contact us today to see how we can help with your plumbing updates. We’ll put our years of experience to work for you, making your new kitchen exactly what you want.

We look forward to hearing from you!



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