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New Plumbing for Summer

Summer may still be a little over two months away, but you might be gearing up for the warmer months by planning your vacation, thinking about what projects you’re going to do around the house, and how you’re going to keep the kids busy while they’re on vacation from school. At Gladiator Repipe in San Jose, we love summer, and we want to make sure that you can enjoy fun, plumbing-problem-free season.

If you’ve been thinking about repiping your home, it can be a good idea to have it done before summer arrives. With the increased water demand and the more chances for clogs during the season, you’ll want to be sure that your pipes are ready for whatever may come.

Increased Water Usage

Summer often means more people in your house, whether that’s the kids being home all day or friends and relatives who come to visit. The increased water usage can put more strain on your supply pipes, and if they’re as old as the house, then there could be potential for leaks and other problems. Replacing old galvanized pipes with copper plumbing can help ensure that you get clean, clear water out of every faucet or tap.

If you’re worried about there being enough hot water for everyone who wants to take a shower or a bath on a daily basis, the copper piping can help there as well. Copper has excellent thermal properties, which means it retains heat as the hot water travels from your water heater to a shower or bathtub in the house. No more running out of hot water when you’re the third or fourth person to shower in the morning or after coming back from the beach!

More Chances for Clogs

Let’s face it — when the kids are left home alone during the summer, shenanigans can ensue. They might put something down the garbage disposal or the toilet that shouldn’t be, and that could lead to a serious clog. While new copper pipes will help with your supply lines, you may want to make sure that your drain lines are clear before summer arrives.

On top of repiping services, we also offer professional drain cleaning and sewer repair. If you’re worried about your drains getting clogged, or someone flushes something that doesn’t belong, we’ll be there right away to take care of the issue.

Schedule Service Today

You do have some time before summer arrives, so if you’re thinking about your plumbing, schedule your service today. We can repipe your home in as little as one day, and you’ll be able to enjoy your new copper plumbing for years to come. If you’re concerned about your drains or sewer pipes, we can take a look at those as well.

You can schedule service online, or you can fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you as soon as possible. As summer approaches, don’t let worries about your plumbing keep you from enjoying your time with friends and family or doing the things you want to do.

We look forward to hearing from you!


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